Comic of the Month

Comic of the Month
xkcd by Randall Munroe

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Wow. Two days left...and I have literally just gotten back from an amazing road trip to see the Rock the Bells Festival in NYC and some friends in Kingston, Ontario. Because my wonderful sense of timing brought me back home just one day before I have to leave for Boston, I had to pack for Japan before the road trip. Stressful, but so worth it!

I hate goodbye's and, unfortunately, I've had to experience a lot up until now. Luckily, I've been blessed with amazing groups of friends who've made the whole process so much easier...

To my UG crew: Big hugs for all! It's going to be hard to top a job that had whipped cream fights, dangerous amounts of sugar, prank battles, and random late night shenanigans. You supply my chai and I'll send you more mochi *wink*.

To my Tuesday night poker pals: pray for me that gambling is legal in Uchiko, hahaha. And I've got one word for you all: bodog! There's some of you I still haven't the luxury of stacking *cough* Evan *cough* and so if you ever have the erge to play on an off day, let me know. Oh, and don't let James bully you - dude can't hit every flop, he just wants you to think he can. ;)

And my road trip buds: you guys (and gals) are honestly the best traveling companions anyone could wish for and this trip was seriously just what I needed. Also, riding in the cab of pickup trucks for over 1,200 miles has gotten me comfortable with the thought of being crammed in a plane for 13+ hours, heh. Thank you SO much for those of you who put me up and provided food and showers. Well, here's to negotiating both monster cities and back-country roads, fighting lost cell signals, singing along to fuzzy pop stations, and making crazy ideas work!!

Cheers, guys. Next time we talk, txt, or email I'll be thankful it's in English! I love you all from the bottom of my heart and if any of you suddenly become millionaires, I expect a visit!

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