Comic of the Month

Comic of the Month
xkcd by Randall Munroe

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day #6

Back in the cafe to upload some pictures...and it took nearly 2 hours to upload those 12 or so I just posted due to this tiny signal I'm stealing. I have soooo many more I can't wait to share (how did I ever take pictures without my D40??) but both my Starbucks tolerance and my friend's patience have long passed. Til next time...


Anonymous said...

Hi, your mom again... Just finished
reading the complete blog and reviewing the pics again. It's still hard for me to believe you two are half-way 'round the world: major mom- angst! No, I can see you two are doing well and having a good time immersing yourselves in the experience.

By the by, Pat came back
from L.A./San Diego having swam in the Pacific just about every day; he also completed three books, one of which was Ender's Game which you
recommended, right? He loved it.

So... it's drizzly and about 55 degrees (if that) on a Sunday evening and, like all Sunday evenings, your mother the teacher must tend to tomorrow's plans.

OH! I almost forgot! I had dinner
with my old friend Janice from Irvine, CA days. Her daughter Jill
was there. You don't remember her, but we hung out all the time when
you were a toddler. I still have the newspaper clip of the four of us walking in the "Mother's Fitness Walk": Janice and I pushing you and
Jill in your strollers along a sunny Southern California sidewalk.

Hope you post again soon. Love
you very, very, very much! XXOO Mom

KB said...

Hahaha, gee thanks Mom. The gushy flashback to my toddler days was a nice touch, especially since I remember neither Janice nor Jill. Oh, well. I'm sure my friends will get a kick out of it which was probabley the point, eh? ;)

Glad to hear Pat had a blast, and WOOT FOR ENDER'S GAME!!! I'm so glad he read it! He should read the next book too, although after the second they sort of go downhill.

Tell PJ to write me when he gets a chance. I will probably have time to trek out here once more before we leave so I can reply then.